Thursday, January 28, 2010

Operation Quit Smoking- Day 4

Well, if I can survive day 1 with a tree falling on my house I think I am doing pretty good. That was a hard day though, I really wanted to go by a pack and that would have been the perfect excuse really......but I didn't.

Day 2 was just as stressful and since I'm used to smoking my anxiety away I still hadn't calmed down too much.

Day 3 Went ok. No major stuff, finally, just the normal morning I want to smoke issues. That's how I woke up and you know, my daughter gets her "sleep is the enemy" attitude from me.

So here I am at Day 4. According to QuitNet, I've not smoke 41 cigarettes, saved $12.60, and saved 7 hours of life. Not exactly big numbers there but I do like reading the emails!

This is the first time I've actually made an effort to quit and I knew I was kinda serious when I told everyone! I mean everyone. I wanted to be held accountable. Hard to have that when you keep it a secret, but, most people didn't know I smoked anyway. I was a total closet smoker. I couldn't smoke at co-op, I hid it at church, I got very used to playing the role of a non-smoker.

By biggest issues of course is in the morning when I am very tired. That is how I woke up most mornings. Make coffee, run outside. Now, I make coffee and sit at my laptop. It's going ok. The Chantix is awesome. I was sensitive to the smell and taste before I had to give up completely. Funny thing, at the studio a girl came in and as I was helping with her bun I could smell the smoke on her from her dad. WOW. Hope Jana never smelled like smoke from me.

I am used to not smoking and driving since I have a child and I don't want to smoke around her. It is hard running errands because I would always blaze up once I stepped out of the car. Jana is so used to that I find myself waiting for her now, but, she waited for me long enough.

So.............the day goes on.

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