Meet Braydon

04 - 22-13 Update : Braydan ♥ 2:20 pm
:""( ----- what you all been waiting for , just as TAO has been waiting with you. However we already sadly knew the extent of his injuries and where or how he got then without even seeing this dog . More of a reason TAO rescued him .
Braydan’s physical exam was today and Vet notes that Braydan's life has been hell .Apparently his estimated age is about 1 to 1 1/2 years old . His injuries are in no way done by a cat a raccoon or a mountain lion as Waco shelter stated . Braydan's wounds on paws up are symmetrical, meaning identical ( impossible for a cat to do but not for a razor blade).
Dog fighters inflict razor cuts on Bait dogs to incite a blood lust in the fighter dogs. His cut wounds are consistent with that.
In addition to these horrible cuts and large gash, his skin is nothing but tissue has no muscle as it should be ( on front legs ) and what this means he's suffered before and he also had old wounds in the same area ( paws and up ).
Keep in mind BAIT DOGS are used as bait because they don't want to fight .. this means he didn't want to .. there's a difference between a bait dog and an actual dog that is trained to fight . He was picked up as a stray and brought to the Waco shelter. To TAO, this speaks to Braydan having escaped or more likely dumped, and the dog fighters just believed that he would bleed out.
Per vet, his hind legs show signs of possible being contained / kenneled for long periods of time .
His muzzle shows bite wounds and also shows his muzzle may have been taped shut at one point ! Dog fighters often use duck tape to do this.
not cat scratches :""
Vet says no surgery at this time as we need to let him rest and wounds heal .. Today he will start additional antibiotics , pain meds and hydrotherapy .
Judy spent all morning with him and enjoyed it very much !!
He gave her nothing but kisses and his tail wagged the whole time .
They went for a walk outside the vet office , he got new toys today and chew bones :) he loves treats and his food :)
Braydan will have the life he should have .. his whole life has sucked and TAO is sick to our stomachs even thinking on how he suffered .. well not anymore !!
He is still in need of foster DFW Tx area .. stay tuned for his video and more photos :)
if you like to donate to his care go to There is a donate section on the home page, not the buttons at the top.
Braydan says Thank U !!
The top picture is Braydon leaving the rescue. He was so thankful. Don't shop, adopt, save a life.