Monday, August 16, 2010

Joy Stealing and OCD

I am OCD. Though I have never been "clinically diagnosed" I really don't need to be. I know it. From being a germaphob to counting numbers and everything being even, all the sign point to the undeniable fact that I am totally and completely OCD. I've made my peace with it.
So, being happy needless to say, can sometimes be a chore and the Devil, being the sneaky little guy that he is, knows that is my weakness. Not obsession over something- be it annoying neighbors, paying bills, my daughter not being her usual well mannered happy self, to people cutting me off on the road, not living a dream (music, as I got started I also got something I wanted with my whole heart as well, my daughter), those are the things that can so easily absorb my thoughts.
Now, I know this and fully know that as a child of God I am supposed to have joy in the Lord always! Not sometimes, not half the time, the word is ALWAYS. In everything, EVERYTHING, give thanks.
So here are my end of summer pressure points:
New neighbors again-
We live in a semi attached house which is great 90% of the time. We generally like our neighbors and there are a few we have become quite close to over the last 15 years. However, living attached just isn't for us anymore and so, despite finally getting my house redecorated I am stopping, going plain and getting ready to start throwing stuff in storage. I'll so miss my staircase, which was the selling point of the house for me. It's just great and BIG! I put up a Lamplight Village border in my dining room and with the Autumn Splendor paint I have created my own "Shire". Fall is my favorite time of year (I actually started dating my husband then and when the weather gets cooler I think of our dating years). I can't find it anymore and I definitely don't have enough left to do it again :O(. Very sad face. I keep praying for a miracle. I'll find it somewhere in cyberspace. So neighbors number 8 will be here soon. Four renters and 1 from some very loud part of the world where nobody respects anyone else and the kids run like hudlums and Four owners, 1 also bad with a kid who controlled her and not the other way around. Both times taught me some things I never would have normally thought of with parenting. We are very nervous. Working on the house is fun too, all the banging. I believe in God's timing. I believe it is time for us to move.
I barely see my husband right now he is working so much. Sucks, and despite all that and God always being faithful in His blessing of our finances (and our credit being back to "on demand" you know, walk into a store and say I want a credit card) I am always in a panic. I don't know why and being OCD, my goodness, that can really control my thoughts. I remember once overdrawing our account and being upset about it for days. It's something I really and truly need to learn to let go of. The constant worry.
All of ours. From mine to my husband to my daughter. I remember when she was born I was terrified of SIDS. Terrified! I don't think I slept until she was a year old. Then I heard a story of someone losing their child at 5 years old and I thought to myself, wow! this will never go away. There is always going to be something to worry about.
I have always been aware of the warfare part of life. When something good happens something will happen to get my OCD up and running quickly. I'm hoping I get older and wiser here. Then maybe I cann see what is happening and apply the lessons I've learned quickly and efficiently so the OCD doesn't stand a chance.
Adding to our family-
I can't believe I am dealing with PCOS again.

Stay tuned as I plan on sharing my thoughts here instead of holding it all in and pretending everything is always ok.

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